WAVE Symposia: Build the Future of the Internet
The WAVE series of global symposia are aimed at those considering a career in the submarine cable industry. A unique opportunity to join discussions, hear presentations from established industry leaders, and network with other future leaders.
Held globally in local languages, these events give direct access to exclusive talks with industry leaders, insights into the cutting-edge world of global communications, and the chance to network with the next generation of innovators.

WAVE UK 2024 - Watch the highlights
WAVE UK is part of a global symposium series from the SubOptic Foundation, a charitable organisation operated by the SubOptic Association.
WAVE FR 2024 - Voir les temps forts
WAVE FR fait partie d'une série mondiale de symposiums organisée par la Fondation SubOptic, une organisation caritative gérée par l'Association SubOptic.

WAVE PT 2024 -Ver os melhores momentos
WAVE PT faz parte de uma série de simpósios globais da SubOptic Foundation, uma organização de caridade operada pela SubOptic Association.

WAVE JP - 近日公開予定
WAVE は、SubOptic Association が運営する慈善団体である SubOptic Foundation のグローバル シンポジウム シリーズの一部です。

WAVE US - coming soon
WAVE is part of a global symposium series from the SubOptic Foundation, a charitable organisation operated by the SubOptic Association.

WAVE EG - قريبًا
WAVE هو جزء من سلسلة ندوات عالمية من مؤسسة SubOptic، وهي منظمة خيرية تديرها جمعية SubOptic.
WAVE BR - em breve
WAVE BR faz parte de uma série de simpósios globais da SubOptic Foundation, uma organização de caridade operada pela SubOptic Association.
WAVE UR - muy pronto
WAVE forma parte de una serie de simposios mundiales de la Fundación SubOptic, organización benéfica gestionada por la Asociación SubOptic.
more about WAVE?